Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ah- Chu... You let me down again

this is the best picture I could get of the salmon

Stillwater River
You know those women that are in shitty relationships and keep running back to loser guys, as their friend you can't figure out what spell these women are under? Well that is my relationship with Wachusetts Reservoir. I had an unexpected Wednesday off today. Instead of going to the ocean and chase fish with stripes I went to the "Chu". I am sure I could have fished with Dave if I gave him a call ,and I'm sure Jeff  would have been glad to go to the ocean. Instead, I chased my dream of catching a landlocked salmon and lake trout, fruitlessly once again.

So todays plan was to fish the Sillwater River for spawning landlocks then try a gate I hadn't yet fished for lakers and smallmouth. I got to the river about 10 am. I tried one area of the river for a couple hours. I kept fishing different pools for about 1/2 mile from my parking spot. I didn't so much as see a shiner. Then I went upstream to another parking area near a bridge. I looked down into the water and saw a four pound female. I got my gear and quietly went downstream a bit. I was not going to keep any spawning salmon if I caught one. Still it felt like an unfair fight. I was 10 feet from a fish I could plainly see. It did not seem very " sporting". As it turns out it was unfair. I casted at that fish for 20 minutes and it didn't so much as look at my offering. I will say this, seeing a wild ( non hatchery raised) salmon was one of my goals this year. Even though I didn't catch it, seeing it was a privilege I am grateful to have witnessed.

After my salmon fishing outing I headed to one of the gates that had a long walk. I went to a point that supposedly has deep water around it. It seemed very shallow for as far as I can cast. So I walked the shoreline to another point with deeper water. There was another fisherman at the next point a hundred yards away. I didn't catch anything of course, but he landed 9 lakers. I'd say that was frustrating, but I learned at least a spot on the dam lake that gives up fish. I don't know how big his largest was and I only saw him catch a couple. I biologist was walking around doing a fishermen surveys and she told me he caught the 9. Finally about 4:45, I called it a day.

On the bright side, I saw a bald eagle. I avoided a turkey that flew across the road while I was driving around the lake, and I saw my first salmon.

So considering this was just another epic fail for me at the Chu, it was the most productive. I actually saw a salmon in the river. Maybe if I get lucky, next time whether this year or next, there will be more salmon in the river and I will have a better shot. Also I now know where to fish for lakers next time. Hopefully, that point will be vacant. I don't need nine, I would be quite satisfied with one!!!

Friday I will be at the ocean!!!

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