Sunday, October 30, 2011

The next four months of this blog

Last year from November through  February I didn't write to much on the blog. Being winter, I didn't get out much. As far as I concerned, I didn't really have much worth saying. This year I am going to be a more active writer. So I have a few ideas of things to write about. I thought I would share them now.

Why share them now? Because writing this means I can stall shoveling the four inches of wet snow currently melting in my driveway. I have two branches that fell in my yard from last nights storm, both are so large, I can't drag them myself. If I give it a couple of hours most of the snow will be melted and DJ will be up and can help me drag the branches. So I write..

November- If we are lucky there is about three weeks left in the striper season. The snow storm may have shortened that timetable.  Many fish could be high-tailing it south right now. I plan on giving the ocean a shot a couple more times. I also still want to give Wachusetts another shot. I still haven't caught a lake trout or salmon. This week I might give it a go depending on the weather.

December- The state of Massachusetts stocks broodstock salmon the first week of December. I want to catch one very badly. There are  some ponds in Plymouth and the Cape  that I am going to try. I want to catch a salmon so much, I will be willing to stand in freezing cold water in my waders in below freezing temps to catch one. I WILL put in my time to catch one. 

I am also hopeful that stripers will over winter in the Providence winter in numbers like the good old days. I doubt this will happen, but I can dream can't I. Whether the fish are there or not, there is only one way to find out. So I will be giving the river a try at least a couple of times.

I can't say I have any fishing destinations lined up for January and February. If Jeff is around we might talk me into ice fishing. That said I will have stuff to write about that I hope you find interesting. I'm going to do more product reviews. I think they will be useful to outdoors people. I also plan on doing a couple of fish recipes. I'm finally going to give my list of favorite outdoor movies and books.

Basically what I am saying is even though winter is coming, keep reading I won't go into hibernation like I did last year. Thanks for getting this site up to 5000 hits!!!!

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