Friday, November 2, 2012

They are still around

One of the pleasant surprise stripers from yesterday
Yesterday I went on a scouting trip to see if any stripers were around since the big blow a couple days ago. I was afraid the stripers might have taken off getting flushed out of the bay by the high tides and rain.

I didn't expect to catch anything. If I caught one or two I would at least know that fish were still around and I still had an excuse to get out of my house. It turned out that I found a mother load. Believe it or not ended up with 16 schoolies. They were very small but I was extremely happy to catch a bunch of fish. I caught them all on a small bucktail jig. I never had to switch lures. I found between one and seven fish at a bunch of different places.

Today, I went back along with my friend Dave. The wind turned northeast and messed with fishing. However, we both caught a couple fish. We each got two stripers. I caught a couple hickory shad. Dave surprisingly got a couple snapper blues. Surprising that they are still around in November.

So I guess this means that if you were catching fish in back water areas, salt ponds, or salt rivers the fish are probably still there. Go give those spots a try again. It may be a little while before we all have access to the ocean again. Just because the ocean is not an option, don't give up on fishing. The season is almost over, get in your time now

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