Friday, August 17, 2018

Adventure #2 of 7- Washington County Fair to see Sawyer Brown

Sawyer Brown lead singer
Mark Miller
Last night Laurie and I went to the Washington County Fair (WCF from now on). Although I always enjoy going to country fairs, when I go, I on a night there is entertainment I really want to see. It so happened to be playing the WCF on Thursday night. The group, Sawyer Brown, was one of the biggest groups of the early 90's. They are one of the reasons I started listening to country music as a kid. To this day, they are still in my top five favorite country bands. I know the words to all of their hits and they have a lot.

We arrived at the fair around 5 pm. Parking is free, admission is $11. The fair is typical of a county fair. There are rides and games in the Midway. There are barns full of domestic animals. There are plenty of vendors selling food and crafts that will gladly take your money. We ate before we left the house so we wouldn't spend a ton of money on fair food. A couple hours after we got there I got a slice of peach pie and Laurie got an apple crisp. Besides that, we got a couple of Gatorades for a very reasonable $2 each. Also of note, most food vendors were selling bottled water for a dollar.

Sawyer Brown came on at 8:30 and put on a great show. They played for an hour and a half. They played every hit I could think of except "Betty's Bein' Bad". The lead singer, Mark Miller, used to be known for his crazy dancing and energy. I was no longer expecting that since he turns 60 in October. However, he was still up on stage dancing, jumping, and bouncing around. It was impressive in the 80 degree heat. I am grateful they came this way and it is nice my ticket was only the $11 fair admission.

Obviously Sawyer Brown is on to their next venue, but the WCF is running all weekend. You can get entertainment info, directions, and a daily schedule from their website. Of note, after the concerts, everyone leaves. We were stuck in the parking lot and its single lane driveway for 45 minutes.
Some of the other blurry members of the band

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