Saturday, February 25, 2012

Bass Pro Shops Biggest Sale of the Year!!!

From February 24 until March 11 Bass Pro Shops has their " Fishing Classic". Not only is it a great sale, but they have seminars run by local pros, rod and reel trade in, and kids activities  during the event. For the purpose of this post, I will just be concentrating on the sale. First of, if you did not get a sale flier in the mail you can view one online.  Just click on  the store you live near and go to the flier. You might be interested in plenty of stuff that I'm not interested in. Look through it thoroughly, it is full of deals.

I have been going through my flier almost every night for two weeks now. I must have wrote down five or six lists of things I wanted. Then tried to drop my overall amount I was going to spend by realizing " do I really need that", or "how many zoom flukes will I really go through this summer."

Here are some of the things I bought that were on sale.

Trout Net    $5  How can you beat a five dollar net. It is not the highest quality, but I am sure to leave it on some riverbank long before it starts to fall apart. It is made of the nice soft cotton so it won't hurt the fish

Powerbait    is on sale from $3.99 to $2.97 also if you buy three you get a $4 rebate  ( to mail in) bringing the price to $1.64 each. That beats the hell out of the five bucks I paid at the tackle shop at the end of last year.

These are on sale for 3/ $4.47. Thats the least
I have ever seen trout leaders.
White River trout leaders:   These are the leaders I use anyway at the end of my fly line. There about the cheapest leaders I can find They are normally $3.19 each.  They are on sale for three packs  for $ 4.47. Less than a dollar-fifty each is over half off! I bought  four packs. I'm probably going to go back and buy so many that I won't have to worry about trout leaders for five years.

Line: All kinds of fishing line is on sale. Chances are whether you use mono or braid, fish fresh or saltwater, whatever you use is on sale. I bought 6# Trilene XL, 17# Trilene XT, and 12# and 20# Big Game.  I fish for a lot of species and use multiple reels so I need many line sizes. The  Big Game was a dollar off. However if you bought two you get a $5 rebate.

Rooster tails are on sale for $1.97. They are normally $2.99. At a dollar off I got 10. I bought three different sizes. I bought colors that I know work. These are such a good deal, when I found out how cheap they were, my original list had about 25 on it. I had to cut that back.

Zoom flukes:   Normally the original fluke is $ 2.99 a pack. All zoom products are 25% off. So the fluke is $2.25 a pack.  I use a lot of them so I bought 5 bags. Zoom makes great soft plastics. but I have everything else I need.

Bomber Square A : I f you haven't seen the price of bass lures lately you will have a bad case of sticker shock when you do. They have gone way up. When I saw these crankbaits at $2.49  ( 50% off) I picked two up even though I don't bass fish much any more. It was just to good to pass up.

There are plenty of great deals on all kinds of gear. Tackle boxes, hooks, weights clothes and boats are at the lowest price of the year. I did not need anything else that was on sale, except for the boat but that was out of the price range of my Christmas gift cards.

I also bought my float tube combo yesterday ( tube, pump, flippers). It was my plan all along. If I didn't use my gift cards yesterday on it, and just bought all the small stuff, I never would have bought it.  I also bought a reel. Its a larger freshwater reel made by bass pro. I'm going to use it saltwater fishing in Providence. Since fishing in Providence does not mean fishing in crashing surf conditions, it will be fine to use it for schoolies in the river.

My friend Jeff bought the reel he wanted. It is the Penn Battle. Although not on sale, the braid that he bought was. He knew he wanted this reel since Christmas. Like me with the float tube. It was time to get it before using his gift card on something else also.

One other possible big savings for those interested. There is a rod trade in going on from Feb 24-29 and a rod trade in from March 2-6. If you bring in an old rod/ reel to be donated to a kids fishing charity you get money towards another rod/reel. The more expensive the rod or reel you want the more money you will get off. I'll give you two examples. The BPS Powerstick is a great surf rod. I have the eight footer. It is normally $79 dollars. It is on sale for $59. But if yo donated a rod during the period of March2-6 you can get another ten dollars off. Seventy- nine dollar rod for $49.

The real prize that I want is the St. Croix Mojo Surf Rod. I started drooling over it the day I took Dave's off his truck for him once last year. It was so light I almost hugged it. Anyway that rod will never go on sale. The eight footer is $169! If I trade in one of my old rods, I can get $30 off. A $139 surf rod is a lot more excusable than $169 when you already have two at home. At least it is in my mind!!!

If you go, do some research and make a list of what you want.That way you won't go home disappointed that you forgot something. Have fun!!!

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