Thursday, April 9, 2020

Just Do It

Today one of my friends posted a picture of a bluebird that decided to take up residence in the bluebird house in her yard. This is cool and I'm pretty jealous. One of the comments I read was "I'd love to see a bluebird". She didn't say she wanted to have them live in her yard, she just wanted to see a bluebird.

I'm not going to lie, the comment got me mad. Mad enough to write this post. Here's the thing, if you want to go see a bluebird, get off of your ass and go see a bluebird. You might be saying, I'd like to see a bluebird, but I don't know where, maybe she doesn't either. THEN ASK!!!

   I see comments like this all of the time usually when someone posts a great photo. Here are some typical responses.

Great picture I'd love to go see a bald eagle.
That would be a lifebird for me, I hope to see one someday.
That's too far of a walk for me
When I retire I'll spend more time___fill in the blank
And on and on they go with excuses.

   Admittedly, this might not be the appropriate time to go out and look for birds because of stay at home orders. But hopefully, ninety nine percent of us will live through this  and life will go back to normal. So when it does, start doing and seeing things you want to see and do and stop making excuses!

I am so tired of hearing how people "want" to see birds but they never actually go looking for them. It is not that hard to find bluebirds. If you don't know where to look, just ask a birder. But it's not just bluebirds or birds. If you want to do something that's important to you, why haven't you done it yet? I'm not talking about a dream vacation to Hawaii that you may need to save up for a couple of years, but if you have never seen a bluebird or eaten Manhattan Clam Chowder and you have wanted to but never gotten around to it, what the hell are you waiting for?

Though the reason I wrote this was because of a bluebird, birds are really just a metaphor for this post. Seriously, if you want to hike a mountain, try a new restaurant, learn to play guitar, see a snowy owl, or fish the Cape Cod Canal, there is no reason you haven't other than excuses.

None of us are getting any younger. I think we have all learned how easily life can be taken away. One of the excuses I posted above was "it is too far of a walk". I read that once from a woman that needs a hip replacement. There were some great birds at Charlestown last year and  posted some pictures of the birds. She congratulated me on my finds and pics, but she can't take the trip out there because of her hip.  She just retired, still needs a hip, enjoys birds but can't chase them. I don't want to be in that position where I could have, I should have, but I can't now. Life is too short. There is too much to do and too much to see.

If you start a sentence with I hope to (fill in the blank) someday, and it is something you can do now either because you have the time or financially, JUST DO IT, even if it is to see a bluebird. What are you waiting for?

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