Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Things I am Thankful for- 2019

We interrupt the regularly scheduled posts about Florida to give you a blog post about things I am thankful for. We will resume our regularly scheduled programming about Florida birds, fish, and gators in a day or two.

Every year I write a post around Thanksgiving about all of the things I am thankful for in the outdoors. This post isn't about healthy family, a roof over my head, or things in everyday life. I am thankful for those things, but that isn't what www.southernnewenglandoutdoors.blogspot,com is about. As I have said, hopefully my blog will inspire someone to get outside and get some fresh air. Maybe I can share a tip or two. So a post about being thankful once a year seems appropriate. If I didn't have fish, mountains, and birds, I don't know if I would be able to enjoy life. But I love life, so without further adieu... 

1.   I am thankful that my adventurer son lives the life we wants to live. He travels from job to job across the country. When he isn't working we travels either home or abroad. He lives an amazing life. As his father, I couldn't be happier for him.

1a.    I am thankful for my two best friends. I have dragged Laurie on so many bird chases this year, she probably should have stopped coming over. I am thankful that Dave hasn't disowned me because of how little I have fished this year. I never thought a year chasing birds would take so much time away from fishing. But Dave still calls and tells me how the fishing is and checks in on me. I thank both of you.

2.    I am thankful I got to have such great experiences in South Florida. Every day was a bucket list item. We did so many things. While I was there each day was a different chapter of an amazing story. One minute I think Key West was my favorite thing we did. Then I remember how swimming with manatees was so humbling. And I realize I snorkeled six times and whether we aid a boat to take us to the coral reef or we swam at the rocks at Fort Zachary Taylor, it was all  amazing 

3.    I am thankful for whale watch trips. I went on three this year. Two of them were to find pelagic birds. Think of how lucky we are to live near the ocean and to see those incredible animals. I know I will go on multiple whale watch trips next year. I l already have the money budgeted.

4.   I am thankful for the Ocean State Bird Club and Narragansett Surfcasters. Since I now work on Tuesday evenings, it is almost impossible to get to club meetings for my fishing club. But I have made a good friend there. I enjoy the company of the other guys every time I get to see them.
   Through the Ocean State Bird Club and just seeing the same birders all the time, I have made some good friends. I am part of a family. There are millions of people that "bird watch", but there is a dedicated group of hardcore birders that are out there every Saturday. If a rarity is spotted, we all share info, but it is the same ten or so people that will rush to see it, they are great people.

5.   I only got to New Hampshire once this year (blame the birds in Rhode Island). Still, I am glad it is only three hours away from my house if I need to get away. Hopefully I will see more of it next year. 

6.   I am thankful that Jan took me under her wing right from the beginning of the year and helped me get birds. When she was privy to a rare bird that I was not she would tell me where it was. Even after I got in the group text, she still made sure I chased birds. Even when I was in Florida she was pushing me to chase the Antillean Palm Swift, a bird that has only been documented in North America twice. I think we have become pretty good friends.

7.    I am a person who cares more about experiences than I am about things. That said, I am thankful for my 500 mm camera lens, because of it I have had some amazing experiences photographing amazing wildlife. I couldn't live without it.

8.   I am thankful for May and September. I love the spring migration when the trees are full of colorful birds. Of course I love September for albies. I only caught three this year, but each one was awesome.

9.I am grateful for the mudflats behind Charlestown Breachway. Most of my memories this summer came from there.

10.  I am thankful for the one great day I had at the Canal. I caught a couple 30 pounders and a few other keepers.

11. I am thankful for our national parks and our protected land. I hope it forever stays protected for others to enjoy as I have.  

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