Saturday, October 26, 2019

Guess what I did after work today

Hudsonian Godwit
 If you guessed, chase birds? you would be correct. After an entire post about how frustrated I was getting, I spent my afternoon chasing birds. While I was at work reports were pouring in of sparrows everywhere (sarcastic yeah. Also a Hudsonian Godwit was seen by Moonstone Beach.

   As you just read, I was at work. However, I really wanted to see the Godwit. I knew the tide would be dropping all day so if it was there at high tide, I knew there was a good chance it would be there after work. Hudsonian Godwits are rare around here because they really don't stop in migration. Most of them fly right over from Canada to their wintering grounds. They are a great bird and I enjoy seeing them. Work couldn't get over quick enough. Also seen today were a bunch of Vesper Sparrows. If I got the Godwit early I'd go after them despite sparrows being so frustrating.

   I left work and zipped to Moonstone. The Parking along the edge of the road was full of cars. I went to the left to where you can see Card's Pond. I had it within seconds. There were a bunch of other birders including my friends Sue Palmer and Richard Tucker. I admired the bird for fifteen minutes then went off to chase the Vesper Sparrows. I love shorebirds, especially rare ones. Truth be told, if I wasn't after numbers I'd have watched the Hudsonian Godwit for hours and blow off the Vesper Sparrows.

I walked to the back of Peckham Farm to find the sparrows. I was given some direction to where they might be. However the place is huge. It is hundred(s) of acres. It was like finding a needle (that likes to hide) in the hay before it gets cut and put into the haystack. Anyway, long story shortened, I did see two of them right near the bike path. Richard Tucker made his way up an hour after me. He had Vesper Sparrow already but I had seen a beautiful (look it up on Google images) Nashville Warbler. He needed it for the year and eventually it popped up and he got it. All in all, the most fun I've had birding in weeks

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