Thursday, August 15, 2019

John Fogerty is Awesome but Bold Point was a Bad Experience

   If you ever get the chance to see John Fogerty do so!. He is still awesome he can still rock. We saw him play last Friday at Bold Point Park in East Providence. He is still on tour and I believe he is still in the area. He played about two hours. During the concert he played all of his songs from Credence Clearwater Revival. He stopped and told a few stories about playing at Woodstock. It has been fifty years since Woodstock. John is 74 years old. Yet somehow he was still running up and down the stage! He jumped up in the air multiple times. As far as I could tell he never lost his breathe singing, running or playing guitar. He is truly amazing. He has to be a jogger or fitness guru to have that much energy.  If you like/love Creedence songs and the song Centerfield, do yourself a favor, if he comes around again, you will not be disappointed. You will, however, pray that you have that much energy and pain free knees at 74 years old!

   As for Bold Point Park, IT SUCKED! Everywhere we went they tried to nickel and dime you, or flat out rape your wallet.

The only other time I saw a concert at Bold Point was two years ago. It might have been the first show there when the Beach Boys played August 2017. You could see the potential on how great of a venue it could be. We had seats, but there were also general admission tickets. I saw hundreds of people bring their own lawn chairs.

So when we went to Fogerty, we carried our lawn chairs from where we parked (about a 15 minute walk). As we walked closer a parking guy told us "no lawn chairs". Sure enough we couldn't bring them, so we trudged them back to the car and walked back down.

As we were in the security line I saw a "POD". The venue has a clear bag policy. Obviously a lot of women had pocketbooks and didn't know the policy. Luckily, this didn't affect Laurie, but if you wanted to leave a pocketbook in the POD, it would cost you three dollars. Again it didn't affect us, but it was a money making scheme. You couldn't bring your pocket book for security reasons, but you could leave the pocketbook right outside the venue with hundreds of people walking by it anyway?

We go through security and beeline to the port-a-johns. When we get out, we see lawn chairs everywhere. I mean dozens if not hundreds. Upon closer inspection, these chairs are all exactly the same. It turns out they were rentals. I couldn't bring my chair because they wanted to make even more profit. The rental was only $6, but it was the principle and now I was pretty annoyed.

Laurie got a wrist band in case she wanted an adult beverage. I did not get one. Bold Point is a temporary venue. They do not have a concession stand. Instead they had food trucks and giant cooler for alcoholic drinks. I've been to concerts, fairs, and theater, for years. I know prices are ridiculous, you either pay them or you don't. However, eleven dollars for a bear and fourteen dollars for a vodka and lemonade is extortion. Needless to say, Laurie didn't drink.

I love doughboys. I don't get them often, but they are my favorite "fair food". The most expensive doughboy I had ever seen was last month at the Barnstable County Fair. It was seven dollars. This includes other fairs, McCoy Stadium, etc...sven dollars. That's fine. Again, buy it or don't. However, the seven dollar fried dough at Barnastable was blown out of the water by the ELEVEN DOLLAR DOUGHBOY at Bold Point.

   I really don't try to go to a concert, play, or sporting event trying to be a cheapskate. And I know this whole second half of the post is about money. But there is a limit on what is overpriced and what is plain old ridiculous. We ended up getting a five dollar bottle of Sprite.

   As for the seats, the rentals were a complete waste of money for anyone that rented one. Once Fogerty came on, everyone in the crowd stood up. Laurie and I found a little hill at the back of the crowd so we could see above everyone. We were really far back but had a clear sightline to the stage.

    This place could be such a great place to see a show. They could make so much in profits without making you feel like they were trying to collect every penny. They could limit how mauch the food trucks charge. The worst part, I'm going back tomorrow to see the Beach Boys. I do have seats for that show. You can bet your ass my belly will be full when I arrive.

1 comment:

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