As humans we obviously are blessed (or cursed) with a variety of emotions that the other animals do not have. Without question my favorite emotion is "awe". I don't really know what other word to use for this emotion. The feeling of being in the presence of greatness. According to the dictionary definition- produced by that which is grand and sublime.It could be argued that other emotions are more important. Of course love is a more important emotion. At the opposite end of the spectrum, hate and dislike can be much more powerful. I'm not going to get into the full rangeof human emotions. I wouldn't know what the hell I was talking about if I tried to get into the human psyche.I'm just talking about my favorite emotion. I couldn't put it any better that than the song " Life is not measured by the breaths you take, it is measured by the moments that take your breath away". Although this line could not be any more romantic or corny, it fits what I am always looking for.
So basically I spend my free time looking for things that I feel are great. I have since I was a little kid. When I was ten years I was looking at maps and reading magazines planning vacations I will never get to go on. I can sit at the top of a mountain literally for hours just admiring the view. I don't get bored and when I know its time to leave, it bothers me a little.
I am lucky enough to have been 30 feet from a grizzly bear. I can't explain what that is like. Grizzly can run 30 mph, can run down a baby elk. They have claws almost six inches long. They can break the neck of a cow with one swipe of its paw. What would we have if it weren't for our developed brains- posable thumbs- yeah
Since I mostly take vacations and daytrips that will put me in contact with things that I think are awesome, I have collected many memories of things that wow me. I thought I'd put a list together of things in New England that have inspired me with there grandeur.
10. Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Concord, MA. I don't think there will be a final resting place for so many literary giants as Sleepy Hollow. Thoreau, Alcott, Hawthorne and Emerson. Not to mention Daniel Chester French the sculptor of the monument inside the Lincoln Memorial.
9. Salem, MA Not because of the people that go up in October every year dressed as witches. The Salem witch trials are a dark mark in our nations history. Certainly not something to be proud of. I think it is good to go up to Salem and learn about it so as more modern citizens we don't make the same mistakes our ancestors did. It could be argued that after the trials when people realized they were wrong it opened up the idea for freedom of religion.
8 Seeing a bear. I have seen four bear in New England. I have seen about 20 in my life but only four here. It is always a treat.
7. Islands- I have been to Block Island, Prudence Island and spent short time on Nantucket and never been to the Vinyard. Going to islands is almost magical. You feel like life is different there. Time does move at a slower pace. I've spent a lot of time on Prudence. There was a time when seeing 40 deer in a day was common while riding your bike around the island. Not anymore since they have gotten the population in check. Its very easy to find a quiet beach to swim or fish. Block Island is special. Two lighthouses, the best birding in the fall in New England, amazing surf and boat fishing and beautiful scenery. I think I will write a full review of the place in an upcoming article. So I will leave it as just amazing for now.
6. Old North Bridge, Concord MA. I won't pretend going to the bridge is as fun as hanging out on the Block. However, on April 19, 1775 the first steps in our break away from England took place. Kind of an important piece of history..
5. View from the Bonds. I keep bringing up the Bonds in posts. The Bonds are three mountains all close together in the Pemi Wilderness in New Hampshire. They are about as far away from the road as you can get in the White Mountains, about 8 miles in all directions. The Three mountains are Mt. Bond, West Bond, and Bondcliff. Bond is the tallest and the view at sunset is amazing. From the top of these three mountains you can't see any civilization just wilderness. Its awesome. From the top of Bondcliff, you can get on some nice flat rocks at the edge of a big cliff. Although it is entirely safe it makes for some great pictures.
4. Striper Fishing. Its not just the catching fish. Its the whole package. Being at the ocean when she is angry and feeling her power. Being at Charlestown Breachway during a new moon on a clear night. It is so dark you can see every star in the sky. Its the feeling a fish hitting an eel. The 2 seconds between the hit and setting the hook is the greatest adrenaline rush I have felt in my life. Also, the closest I ever came to death was striper fishing during a big storm. The ultimate "awe"s being that close to death.
3. Any chance to see a Bald Eagle in the wild. The first bald eagle I ever saw, I was 20 and working in Maine along the Penobscot River. There was a fly by by an adult. I remember my mouth dropping in awe. I have since seen eagles at Plum Island, Block Island and Baxter State Park. The feeling never goes away.
3. ( tie) Acadia National Park. The best views on the Atlantic Coast are on Mt Desert Island. Acadia. The drive up Cadillac Mountain overlooking Frenchman's Bay is indescribable. For part of the year, the first place to see the sunrise in the US is from the summit of Cadillac Mountain. Along with the great birding, animals and carriage roads Acadia is a treasure. I used to go there every August with my family. I haven't been in 20 years. I hope to go back next summer.
2. Baxter State Park, ME. With all due apologies to Mt. Washington, the most awesome mountain in New England is Mt. Katahadin. Although a thousand feet lower than Washington that's the only thing it doesn't have going for it. There is no road, so getting to the top requires a full day hike. Its the tallest thing for 100 miles so the views are impressive. We counted a ridiculous number of lakes down below from one of the summits. Along the top is a mile long rid
Roaring Brook Campground is one of the many primitive campgrounds in the park. From the campground is a 1/2 mile long trail to Sandy Stream Pond. If you can get your butt out of bed in the chilly air of first light and take the walk you are almost guaranteed to see moose feeding in the pond. We stayed at Baxter for Roaring Brook 6 days last year. We say 18 moose. There were a couple mornings we didn't see moose. Then there was the day we saw 7 in the water at the same time including a huge bull that loved the company of the females. A cow and calf walked by the people watching so close I could have reached out and touched them. The moose are usually in the water at evening too. If my life were dependant on finding someone a moose or they would kill me I would take them to Sandy Stream Pond.
Even if all Baxter State Park consisted of were Katahadin and Moose I'd still have it as number two on the list. It has so much more. Being at over two hundred thousand acres its huge. There are only two roads. One going to Roaring Brook, the other traversing the park. Chances of seeing a bear or deer are excellent. The fishing for native brook trout is good and there are eagles nesting at Katahadin Lake ( one hour hike). I could spend a month at Baxter and never be bored.
1. Museum of Fine Art, Boston MA. Nothing in New England has so many incredible things so close together. If you are into history or greatness I don't think anything comes close in terms of blowing you away.
Some of the amazing things at the MFA are-
1. Stone vessel from Mesopotamia from 6000 B.C.
2. Shield and Helmets from Greek warriors
3. Bricks from the Temple of Athena
4. Head of Statue to Ramses III
5. Pages from the Egyptian Book of the Dead
6. Mummies and Canopic Jars
7. Monet paintings especially Morning on the Seine (photo)
8.Gilbert Stuart paintings of founding fathers such as Revere, Hancock, Samuel Adams
Theres thousands of other awe inspiring things to see at the MFA. Paintings from Italian and French masters to sculptures and ancient artifacts. In case you are interested in going, Wednesdays after 4 pm the museum is free.
There is my list of kick ass places/ things I have been to in New England. Not to sure I numbered them in order except for the last two. If anyone has any comments or suggestions please feel free to write. Maybe I overlooked something I have been too. Maybe you will give me an idea for a daytrip.
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