Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Little Fish


Black Sea Bass from BioBlitz

I have spent a lot of time over the last four days looking at little fish. On my own I caught White Perch, Yellow Perch, Fallfish, and Common Shiner fishing. At BioBlitz (post to come) I saw ten species of fish while helping seine. One was a lifer that I had never heard of, Smallmouth Flounder. Yesterday I went seining with my friend Jan in both a freshwater lake and a salt pond. We got some pretty cool things including two lifers for me (Four Spined Stickleback and Rainwater Killifish). After Jan left I went to the site of last year's BioBlitz and picked up three more species for the year and a mystery shiner that I think will become a new species for the day after people smarter than myself identify it. Photos are in no particular order because some were on my phone while others were on my camera card. Also, Blogger thinks it is fun to mix up the order anyway. 

  Since the photos are all messed up at the end of each species I put an "F" for freshwater fish and an "S" for Saltwater.  Fish I caught/saw but did not add a photo of since last Friday are Yellow Perch, White Perch, Scup, Windowpane Flounder, Fluke, Silversides.

Black Sea Bass-S
Lifer Smallmouth Flounder- S

Northern Sea Robin

Lifer- Four Spined Stickleback- S

Lifer- Rainwater Killifish- S


Bridle Shiner-S

The smallest Bluefish I
have ever seen- S

Striped Killifish- S

Mystery Shiner- F

Fallfish- F

Common Shiner

Two of the mystery shiners-F

Pipefish seining with Jan- S

Tautog- S

Pipefish from BioBlitz

Seining Third Beach at BioBlitz 
with RI DEM
Photos below of Jan and I seining at Ninigret

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