One of the few highlights over the last couple days Pine Warbler |
Despite the fact I just went reached 160 birds today, I am in a major outdoor slump. I don't just mean birding, fishing also. This of course can easily be blamed on the crappy weather.
I went into my weekend with high hopes (Friday and Saturday off this week. Working Easter) I knew a few migrants had shown up and I was hoping to see them. Besides the birds, stripers had trickled in. Usually the "trickle" only last a day or two then there is a big push.
I birded hard on Friday. I walked roughly eight miles birding four very good locations. The spots I went were Miatomini Park in Newport, Trustom Pond, Great Swamp, and Fisherville Refuge. All are spring migrant traps. Yet, they all sucked yesterday. I only got two new birds. I saw Black and White Warbler and Northern Parula. They are both pretty birds, but are among the most common warblers.
Knowing it was going to rain on and off most of the day today I decided to hit spots near or on the road as opposed to hiking miles into the woods. The strategy was to look at specific spots for specific species. I got up very early knowing the birds would (should) be active in the morning. If birding sucked, I'd go trout fishing in the afternoon (more on that below).
The only walk I made was a quick hike out to Trustom at 6:30 am. I dipped on a white eyed vireo. However, I did have a driving rainstorm to keep me company. From Trustom I went to Westerly looking for two species. I found the Northern Rough Legged Swallow, but missed Cedar Waxwings. Then I drove back up to Fisherville Refuge and heard a Northern Waterthrush.
After I left the waterthrush I went to Barrington. Purple Martins were seen at three places this morning. So I figured I should have no problem getting them. Purple Martins are a common bird. So driving to Barrington was just so I'd have a short drive home after birding. However, I wanted them. Purple Martins were the easiest bird I missed in RI in 2018. Seeing them would save me the anxiety of knowing I missed them last year. It was not meant to be today. I not only went to the three spots they were seen, but two other colonies were empty. I suspect this had to do with the afternoon rain keeping the bugs down (the martin's food). I went home with my tail between my legs.
I ended up with four new species for the weekend. If the weather gods had shined down on me, I could have doubled that. Three of the four are really common, only the waterthrush isn't a "gimme". I missed the purple martins which was a bummer.
Fishing, unfortunately, has not been any better. Guys have been catching small numbers of stripers everyday on the south shore. I went down on Wednesday. Tuesday, decent numbers were caught. Not on Wednesday. Most everyone including myself went fishless. I saw a couple guys get a few fish. They were in the right spot. Five yards from either of those two guys and you may as well have been a mile. Thursday, there were plenty of fish, but I was hanging out with Laurie, a decision I don't regret at all.
Yesterday after birding from 6 am-6 pm I rushed home to fish Falls Pond before dark. I tried two of the three access points, but didn't even see a rise never mind get a hit. Tonight after a couple hours rest, I went back again. I tried all three access points. Because it was raining, I was the only one fishing. Despite a pretty good effort, I only had one hit. Que Sera, Sera
As depressing as this post was to write, I don't expect a pity party to be thrown in my honor. I know things will improve. I can easily improve the trout fishing if I just venture a little further from home. Some ponds are loaded with trout. Falls Pond is big and when they spread out, your not going to catch more than a few. Stripers will be all over by next week, so that really isn't a worry either.
My big worry is the birds. If the weather is nice while I'm working but rainy and windy on my days off, then I am going to miss a lot of birds. This is three weeks in a row where it has rained on at least one of my days off. I could get away with it in late winter. But as spring migrants whip through on their way to breeding grounds, I need some nice weather. I know complaining about the weather isn't going to change it, but it sure as hell is frustrating.
On the bright side, Fisherville was loaded with birds yesterday. They were all birds I'd already seen. Still I got my first good pictures in a couple of weeks. A Pine Warbler posed for me. A late Pine Siskin came down to feed on seeds in a Pollinator Garden only five feet away from me. Two pictures below.
Pine Siskin |