Friday, November 23, 2018

Trustom Saves the Day

Up until 3 pm, I was having one of my worst birding days ever. I went all over the Rhode Island coast from Little Compton through Aquidneck Island and Jamestown all the way to Charlestown. I started at about 8 am in Little Compton. Every place I stopped I had a target bird or birds in mind. I didn't see any of them. In Little Compton I was hoping to see the Cattle Egret without any luck.

Carolina Wren
There were some birds around in most of the places I went, but they were all regular common birds like gulls and robins. The only place I had any success was Rueker Wildlife Sanctuary. I saw a first of the year (FOY) Winter Wren. I also had a loud Carolina Wren close willing to get its picture taken. Other than that, I didn't see much in seven hours.

I tried to be at Trustom at 3 pm. I knew there would be ducks on the pond and the light would be good. Everywhere I went throughout the day, the water was glass calm. I knew the water would be glass on the pond. I wanted to go out to the pond because I knew a lot of ducks would be on the water. If they were close, I could get some good pictures.

I ended up getting to Trustom at 3:05. The last two stops before I went there were fruitless. I went to Charlestown Breachway but there wasn't a bird within a quarter mile from shore (there were loons and Black Scooters way out, both common species). I also tried the pond behind the old Cross Mills Fire Station. Last week I had Pintails and a Northern Shoveler there. Today it was frozen.

My luck changed in Trustom's parking lot. Under the bird feeder was a Fox Sparrow. This is a very good bird. At least one usually shows up each winter to these feeders. I actually saw one on Thanksgiving at Moose Hill, but I didn't have any chance for a picture. As I started snapping my first three pics, a couple cars pulled in. The occupants slammed their doors and talked really loud. This spooked my shy photo subject. I waited five minutes but I was burning daylight and went out to the pond.

The pond had all the usual suspects. I counted at least ten species of ducks. I missed the Canvasback that I saw last week but I found the Tufted Duck very easily. The ducks were not nearly as close as they were last week. I only stayed with them for fifteen minutes. I trudged back as quickly as I could to see if I could get any more photos of the Fox Sparrow. When I got back to the feeders, the sparrow was back but my light was gone (it was 4:03 pm). I took a bunch of pictures but the flash came up. In all of the photos of the bird's eye is shiny. I'll have to go back again and see if I can get some better shots.

On the bright side, while watching the little Fox Sparrow, I heard a Great Horned Owl hoot a couple of times. Since birders are allowed to count birds they can identify by hearing, I get to count the owl. The owl, Fox Sparrow, and Winter Wren gave e three new Rhode Island birds. Next time I bird all day, I'm going to have to leave more time for Trustom, it really is an ace in the hole!
Two pictures below
Just one of many photos of the Fox Sparrow in bad light
with shiny eyes. 

I blew this up so you can see the Tufted Duck. It is
the one in the middle. You can see the feathers
sticking out the back of its head

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