I went to one of those things I wrote about in the March blog post. I went to the Violin Femmes concert at the Stadium
Theater in Woonsocket. I tried to take a lot of pictures but they jumped around so much on stage only a few came out clear.
This is a group of women violin players that rock out to classic rock and metal. If it sounds like nothing you have ever heard of, I agree. That is why we bought tickets to it.The show started at 8 pm and with intermission lasted until 10 pm. It was extremely entertaining. They only played for one night but if they come back again or you get to Vegas where they seem to have a residency, you should check them out. As for tonight, my ticket was well worth the $26 I spent on it.
The women played songs from AC/DC, Zepplin, Eagles, Billy Joel, and many many more. The lead
violinist is married to the (male) drummer. He was awesome also. She did all
of the talking. She explained the origins of the band along with how they came about a couple of the songs. All in all, one could tell she lives and breathes music. She seems like the type that has notes and arrangements are always running through her head all the time(like I suspect Clapton and Prince do/did)
I am not sure if I can say any moment was a highlight although they did get a standing ovation when they sat down and played to the sheet music of Queen's Bohemian Rapsady.
Below is a 53 second video I took of them playing Bohemian Rhapsody. I only video taped them this once since I wanted to enjoy the show. I can play it on my computer, so I am hoping whoever clicks on it will be able to see it on your device. It is well worth the 53 seconds of your life. It will give you a quick idea of how talented they are. You might have to click it twice
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