Friday, April 1, 2016

Trout Fishing heats up but the weather is going to cool off

White Coachdog Roostertail
I tried my luck for trout again today. First I went to Hoxie Pond in Sandwich, MA. Hoxie is my favorite trout pond to fish. According to Mass  Wildlife, they have yet to stock the pond. Because Hoxie is such a popular pond for springtime trout fishing, I find it a little peculiar that it has not been stocked. I took the ride to Sandwich  anyway. Hoxie is just fifteen minutes from the Cape Cod Canal. If I didn't catch any fish within an hour, I'd just leave and go to Plymouth.

As I was just getting to the pond it started to rain. The temperature today was over sixty degrees, so the rain was no big deal. I worked my way around the pond. I fished for a little over an hour, but never got a hit.

I decided to give the Russell-Sawmill ponds in Plymouth a try.  As I was driving down the dirt entrance way I saw a fish rise in Russell Pond.. I immediately knew I'd catch something. I casted out my White Coachdog Roostertail. Within ten seconds I had a fourteen inch brookie. I proceeded to catch ten more. All were caught on the white Roostertail. I tried other colors and spoons, but had no other luck.

Author's Note: My favorite color Roostertail is the Yellow Coachdog. If I could only use one lure to catch trout (flies not included) it would be that spinner. I had the white one on my rod from my fruitless fishing at Fearings (alliteration) last week. It worked today.

After the fishing slowed in Russell, I walked the hundred feet to fish Sawmill. I didn't catch anything
so I went back to Russell, where I caught a few more fish (part of my total of eleven).

All in all, today was a good day. Eleven trout isn't bad. I can't stress enough, that I know Powerbait would work equally as well if not better this time of year. However, I love feeling the hit and setting the hook and feel the bend of the rod.  I am very happy, at least some of the fish were willing to chase my lure today.

I planned on going to Fearings also. I am sick, and as I was fishing, started to feel worse than I did earlier. Instead of going to Fearings, I went birding for a couple hours in Tiverton,RI., mostly from the car.

Unfortunately, the weather is going to get cold again for the next week. This means, my newly liberated trout friends will stop chasing lures for a while, but will still unsuspectingly
swallow Powerbait


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks Wayne, It's just a head and chest cold, but it's kicking my butt
