Thursday, December 31, 2015

How did I do on my 2015 goals

New Hampshire, Oct 2015
Middle Sugarloaf
Big George just over my rightt shoulder, or
just to the left of me in the picture
At the beginning of the year I set many goals for myself. They change from year to year. I don't reach all of them. Sometimes values change, and I could care less. Other times I realize something just isn't worth the money (like paying $90 to go on a wintertime cod trip, which was a goal of mine last year. Do you know how many pounds of cod you can buy for $90!).

For the most part though, I don't really make excuses. I try to reach my goals as best I can 

1. Run a 5k.

I ran over 3.1 miles many, many times. I did not sign up for a race though. As the year was drawing to a close, I almost signed up for a race Thanksgiving morning, but ended up having to work.

2. Go to New Hampshire as many times as I can.

Only got to New Hampshire four times. I worked a lot of six day weeks over the summer. Still I went as often as I could, so goal accomplished

3. Fish for albies the second week of September.

Yes, yes I did. As many times as I could until the offshore hurricane fowled up the water. I had my best albie day ever

4. When the weather is hot in mid summer and fishing slows down, do a few of the hikes I did this winter to see those areas with green leaves.

I did this. I did a bunch of mid-summer local hikes. I went to places like Trustom Pond, Rocky Woods, Gilbert Hills, and Broadmor to name a few

5. Smoke some trout.

Mission accomplished. I kept a couple limits and had  fillets of smoked trout a day after work for a couple weeks in May.

6. If possible, fish for golden trout in May.

I went. Caught eleven trout before it got to crowded to enjoy the fishing

( I'm not going to write anything about
ice fishing or carp fishing. These are things I do anyway)

7. Go to the Basketball Hall of Fame.

I didn't go. I thought it would be fun to do this with my son. We had a great time at the Baseball HoF last year. But he did not want to go, so neither did I.

8. Go to a drive in movie

No, never really remembered to do this the few Friday's Laurie was over 

9.Do a better job of keeping records. I did a good job of keeping records in 2013, but by the middle of 14, I slipped in my record keeping.

I did a great job writing bird reports, daytrips, and hikes in New Hampshire. I didn't keep as good records of my after work fishing trips. 

All in all, not bad. Not counting the record keeping, I went six for eight. Since I did many four mile runs, I don't need to pay someone an entrance fee to say I did a 5k. Here's to a productive 2016!

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