You may want me to tell you where I caught it. I can not. It was a spot shown to me, therefore it is not my spot to give away. Even if you know the lake I caught it in (many carp fishermen know where the huge mirrors are) I can't/won't show you where I was fishing. I won't give you directions. You are more likely to get one of my kidneys. Again this is because it is a very small private spot that very few people know about. The few guys that know about it would be pissed if the word spread. It would cause friction between friends and trust would be lost.
Sorry for the downer paragraph above. I just know a lot of my friends would certainly love to catch a huge mirror carp. I figured instead of telling them all individually that I would lose a friend if I told them, I'd just put it out here. Instead of being upset that I can't tell, be happy you have a friend you can trust
Are you sure it's not a whale??? Holy Hannah, that is ONE BIG FISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!