Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm back

I'm back. I hope everyone had a great summer. For the few of you that became painfully addicted to my blog, I sincerely hope you did not get the shakes or night sweats from withdrawal because of my summer hiatus. Most of the summer I did not have access to my computer, so although I had a lot of stuff to write about, I did not have the means ( however I do keep a pretty mean journal).

I have a lot to write about, since I had a great summer. I am sure in the next few weeks I will be writing posts about my travels consistently. Also I have developed some strong opinions that I will share with all of you. If you agree with anything I say, feel free to leave me comments. However, if you disagree with my opinions DEFINITELY leave a comment. I'm all about different points of view The nice thing about a blog is that I can write about anything I like, although this will obviously be about outdoor stuff. Secondly,if one of my posts bore you, you don't have to read it if your not interested. That being said if you bookmark the site and check it EVERY DAY, I will feel all kinds of warmth from my readers as the number on the site counter will skyrocket. Basically, what I'm saying is- Humor me.

The blog will still be about fishing and hiking destinations but I think I'm going to express my overall views as the weather gets cooler and I find myself in the house more. As for the next two days I am going up to New Hampshire hiking, so I will give all of you a report when I get back

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had fun, We went to NH on the 11th it was a busy day..
