A Journal of Fishing, Hiking, Historic Sites, Nature Photography, Birding, and anything else Outdoors
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Article in this week's The Fisherman Magazine
Check out this week's issue of The Fisherman Magazine. I wrote this week's Surf Column
titled "Old Favorites still Catch". As you can imagine, it is an article about lures that used to be hot but are now relegated to the bottom of the surf bag or the basement. It is my first published article this year.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Amazing day at the Connecticut River
My first channel cat. He may not be big, but look at that face. |
We had one of the best days ever. Dave had "the spot" where one rod was just on fire. He caught 12 carp and 2 channel catfish today. I think 9 of them were on one rod. He ended up catching a thirty pound carp and a 32 pound carp. He also had three others over twenty pounds.
My numbers do not compare. I caught a few fish. However, I did catch two over twenty pounds. One of them was a twenty five pounder. The strange thing about it was that it was a Mirror Carp, which is pretty rare for the Connecticut River where Commons prevail.
My other highlight of the day was my first ever Channel Catfish. It wasn't a big one, my guess is that it was just under three pounds. None the less it was a new species, and one I really have wanted to catch for a long time. In Connecticut you can use three rods. I used two of them for carp and one for catfish. The last time I went I used hot dogs and livers and never got a bite. So today, I went au' natural and fished fish. I used a chunk of my bluefish fillet (caught nothing). My other bait was a two inch piece of last night's dead eel. That is what I caught the catfish on.
The carp were caught on a hair rig baited with one piece of plastic corn ( I used white and pink today) and two pieces of maize. I used a method ball wrapped around the sinker also.
I will post pictures of the twenty and twenty five pounder when I get them. We took the pictures of them on Dave's camera.
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Dave's thirty two pounder |
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Blackstone Gorge
Believe it or not I have done something other than fish. On Sunday Laurie and I went to the Blackstone Gorge. We did this hike two years ago in June and it was time to go back. The gorge is an area where the Blackstone River cut through hundred foot cliffs. There are walking trails along the side. I don't say this often about short hikes in my neck of the woods, but this little trail is awesome. Whether you are reading this because you are a regular follower of the blog or followed the link from Facebook, this really is a cool little hike.
If you are looking for directions to GPS, it is at the end of County Street, Blackstone, MA off of Route 122
I don't know what these rocks were called, but they were painted and some had quotes. If one "spoke to you" your free to take it. If you wanted to add to them you could. It gave the place a peaceful vibe.
My favorite part of this hike is the Mountain Laurel. It is bloom right now and there is tons of it. As I wrote two years ago, it feels like walking through a mini Eden.
Strong rapids. Two years ago the river wasn't running nearly as high. It looked more like a trout stream with big pools than a raging river.
If you are looking for directions to GPS, it is at the end of County Street, Blackstone, MA off of Route 122
The dam is at the bottom of the parking lot. The gorge is to the left
A down river view of the dam
Iris down river from the dam. Rapids in the background
Looking down from a cliff into the river
Close up of the Mountain Laurel.
Laurie after we tackled one of the cliffs
Eden like flower lined path
Monday, June 12, 2017
Sometimes the Guide gets the Big one
Honestly, I would have traded this fish and gone fishless if I could if it meant Ronnie caught it. But what are you gonna do? He still did quite well landing a couple of 8-10 pounders |
Ronnie is up on vacation and contacted me to ask if I wanted to go fishing while he was up. I was glad to plan a trip. I had to work today (and tonight) so we fished after I got out of work this afternoon. I put the canoe on the car and met him at 3:45. I really wanted to put Ronnie on those big bluefish if I could.
If the bay was rough we were going to try a pond for largemouth. If it was calm, we were after the blues. When I pulled up to the put in, it was very calm. The shoreline protected it from the southwest wind. We put in, and paddled to the cove I caught them Friday. We didn't get a hit. I was afraid that might happen. This hot spell warmed the water ten degrees in two days. Luckily we found them in slightly deeper water.
The blues were extremely fussy tonight. We both had roughly 20 hits each. They would swipe the lure or swirl behind it. We only landed two fish each. I got one that my scale said was 19 pounds. However, I am positive there is no way the fish was that big. I might believe 15, but not 19. It was still a very nice fish.
Since I used my new Bass Pro version of a Boga Grip, I landed all four of our fish. Unfortunately, because of this, I did not get a picture of Ronnie with his very respectable ten pounders. I really wish I did.
Saturday, June 10, 2017
On a big fish role
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Sorry, crappy phone pic of a fish on the ground. Not my best work |
Well, I certainly did not expect the fishing to last since I started my work week today. I went to one of my usual haunts and caught half a dozen small (really small) stripers. On my way home I went to a spot rumored to have big stripers. I'm guessing the rumors were true because I saw about forty guys fishing a 100 foot stretch (no exaggeration on the number of guys, and the area was only one hundred feet). It looked like Opening Day crowds at your favorite trout lake. There was no way I was going to attempt to squeeze in.
I decided to walk a quarter mile away and try fishing for a few minutes. I put on a Daiwa SP Minnow.I only fished 45 minutes landing two fish. One was a 20 inch schoolie and a keeper of about 15 pounds.
Although 15 pounds is not a giant, these days it is a good fish. Considering an hour earlier, I was finding fish that could not make 15 inches. Sadly for me, I have no chance of seeing if I can catch any nice fish for a fifth straight day. Laurie comes over Sunday... and she don't fish!
Home of the Blues
Notice the front hooks were taken off of this popper |
Since I wasn't sure the weather would hold out today, I didn't try to do anything I would consider exotic. ( I want to try for walleye again and fish for pike in Connecticut). Even though I didn't know what the weather was going to do I also didn't want to do anything boring. So I decided to paddle my kayak to the spot Dave caught the big blues.
From my put in, it was a solid 20 minute paddle to my fishing spot. The wind was light out of the northwest which was in my face, but the water was very calm. I paddled into the cove and I started to see fish whirl as I scared them with my 'yak. I knew I was in the right place before I made a cast. Three splashes of my popper onto the first cast I hooked my first bluefish. It took me for a Nantucket Sleigh Ride. I let it tire out some before I brought it to my kayak for a a release.
After my third blue, I realized life would be a lot easier if I took the front trebles off of my popper. This way the fish could only be hooked by the trebles in the back.
I had fish blowing up on my popper. Sometimes the same fish would hit it three or four times until it was hooked. While I was fishing I saw multiple fish splash. I could hear plenty more behind me. Something that was very interesting was I could see multiple bluefish sunning themselves on the surface. I saw tail fins right above the surface (like shark fins). It was really neat. At one point I was surrounded by bluefish. I could see them in every direction and no matter where I casted I was going to get a hit. Yes, even just cruising on the surface, they were still aggressive. Multiple times I sight fished for them, casting ahead of them and leading my lure in front of them. I had one fish make a V wake like a pickerel does from ten feet away from my popper before crushing it.
Today was one of the best days ever from my kayak. I landed about 15 blues between 8-15 pounds. I had countless others blow up on my popper. I never went more than five cast without at least a hit and miss. What made it even cooler was being so close to all of those trophy fish just swimming around in the sunlight then coming alive to explode on my lure. Today was incredible.
Friday, June 9, 2017
Buzzards Bay

However, we do make plans to go the end of May or early June. This is a perfect time for me. It is after my bird migration trips (that were rained out this year!!!!) and before my trips to New Hampshire. We planned this trip weeks ago (weather dependent of course) and I did not try to schedule anything else. So yesterday, we set out on a picture perfect day on Buzzards Bay.
We fished the entire day from 7 am until 5 pm. I loved the fact we did not have to rush. The tide was low about 2 pm, and Eric's boat is a deep hull. Because of this we had to wait until the tide rose again at the dock. This was absolutely perfect. We had the whole day to fish.
We tried multiple spots through the bay. We found fish everywhere. We didn't find the huge school of sea bass, so the fishing wasn't hot and heavy. We found fish scattered throughout. Sometimes we would go ten minutes without a hit then we would both hook up, then go another couple minutes without a fish. As I said multiple times, it was fishing and not just catching.
I'd estimate we caught about 45 fish a piece. Here is the amazing part, just about every fish was above keeper size. The size limit in Massachusetts is 15 inches. I doubt we caught five fish under that size!. Usually with sea bass half the fish are under that size and half over. Most of those fish from 13-16 inches with a few big ones and a few in the 9-12 inch range. Not today, I'd say average size was close to 17 inches! Eric got the biggest one at about 21 inches and I landed two, just around 20.
Eric and I have different fishing philosophies. He likes to tip his jigs with bait, while I would rather not. So it is interesting to see how the fish react to the two different styles. Because we tried to trick the fish in different ways, fishing was an experiment.
Early in the day the tide was barely moving. I could use my light 1/2 ounce and 3/4 ounce bucktail jigs. I don't know if it mattered, but the fish were nailing them. Even with Eric's squid, I was far and away catching more fish, This surprised me, because his jigs had smell while mine didn't. He was still catching some fish, but the smaller jigs were catching way more fish.
As the day went on the wind picked up. The current was stronger and my half ounce jigs were useless, and my 3/4 ounce jig was barely effective. Eric had some big jigheads and I used one with a curly tail grub or a Zoom fluke. The tide turned (pun) and the roles were reversed. Although I was still catching a few fish, Eric was reeling them up one after another. His double jig rig was really staying down near the bottom and proved to be very effective. Earlier, if we went over a few fish, it seemed like I was hooking up before we drifted past the school. In the afternoon, it was the exact opposite. Eric would get the hit, while I waited for the next big pod.

I was also experimenting with color. While the water was still slow, I was trying multi colored bucktails that I made up. I tried a bucktail with pink/orange/ lime green. I caught a lot of fish on it, but I do think the white bucktail worked slightly better when the fish were spread out and less aggressive.
We ended up catching five species. Besides the large seabass, I got a large scup. We caught a few sea robins, and some small fluke. The biggest surprise was a good size blue that I caught fishing the bottom with the jig. I knew I had a big fish, but I was surprised when I saw a bluefish come out of the water. I'd estimate, it went around eight pounds.
So, all in all, it was a great day. We have had days where we caught twice as many sea bass in half the time on the water. However, I will take quality over quantity any day. When half of the sea bass are around 17 inches, that makes for a really fun day.
Hooked this big scup using a brightly colored jig |
The sea bass seemed to like the bright colored bucktail, but I do think the white worked better on spread out less aggressive fish |
One of the sea bass puked up this baby scup |
A wall hanger of a picture if I do say so myself |
My first sea robin of the year |
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Jumpin Minnow strikes again
By far the best topwater lure for stripers these days is the Jumpin Minnow made by Rebel. If you don't any, you are missing out. It has great walk the dog action that stripers and blues love. I use it all the time. Tonight my loyalty was rewarded with a 20 pound striper along with a bunch of smaller ones.
Monday, June 5, 2017
Useful Products this Spring
This spring has been wet! Because of all the rain, I have complained so much about it screwing up my plans, I have become intolerable even to myself. However, if there has been one good thing about this spring, fishing has been very good. I'm still going out almost every evening after work. I did a couple of after dark sessions this week also.I landed a few schoolies but no keepers.
I thought since I have little to report, I'd review a few products that I have used this spring. Disclaimer- I do not get any endorsment money from any of these companies. I am not on anyone's "Pro Staff". These are my opinions, and mine alone.
Colombia Rainpants
I spent a lot of money at REI last year on Christmas presents for my hiking son. If you are a member (one time sign up fee of $20) you get a dividend each year based on how much you spent the year before. Along with the free money came along a coupon for one item 20% off. I didn't know what to buy since I really didn't need anything. I decided on a good pair of rain pants. Since I had over $30 in my account and I used the coupon, I got them for a song.
The Columbia Rain Pants I bought are $50 at retail price. They do not have any pockets. Columbia does make a pair with pockets at the next price level. I specifically bought the pair without pockets, not because they were cheaper, but so I wouldn't have to worry about the pocket zipper leaking. I would never put my phone or small camera in my rain pants pockets anyway. I would prefer to put them in the next layer down in my shorts or sweatpants.
Last week I fished for two days in the rain. The rainpants performed flawlessly. I never felt wet at all. I sat on a wet chair with rain running down my raincoat onto it and the pants. I never had a drop seep through. I wore muck boots and pulled my rainpants over the top of my boots. There was plenty of room for them. If anything, there is too much. On the bottom of the pant leg there is velcro to tighten the pants. The velcro fit a little loose and my pants dragged against the ground. I have since added another sticky piece of velcro a few inches further. Problem Solved.
Just a word of caution- If you wear sneakers with these rainpants or any other pair your feet will get soaked. All that rain running down your pants leg has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is in your shoes.
So after a few soakings, I'd give the pants five stars. They did not feel sticky at all and they kept the moisture out. If I would have paid the fifty dollars, I would not have been disappointed at all. I can't say how durable they are yet, but they seem tough, so I think they will be around for a few years.
Waterproof Boots
As I said above, if I wear rainpants, then I can't wear sneakers. So I have been wearing my Bone Dry waterproof boots made by Bass Pro. There are many brands of high waterproof boots. The most famous with the best reputation is Muck Boots. I own these Bone Dry boots. I paid about $60. They are comfortable and as of yet, not let me down. However, I have a friend that bought two pair that leaked right away.
I have owned these boots for a couple of years now without a problem. That said, this is the first year I have worn them a lot. My suggestion isn't necessarily to buy the Bass Pro Shops brand boot, it is to buy some waterproof boots if you are an outdoors person. They come in extremely handy fishing in the rain with my rain pants over them. However, they also make walking through the mud a breeze and puddles no longer block the way to back woods ponds.
I am glad I found my pair in the shed since I sort of forgot about them. With all the rain we are having, they won't be going back in my shed any time soon.
Best Deal I've seen on a Reel
Right now Bass Pro Shops has the Shimano Sedona reel on sale for $39.97. This reel usually lists for seventy dollars! Needless to say, I am floored by the price. I bought the Sedona 4000 for one of my seven foot rods. I also plan on buying the 2500 for my six foot trout rod.
A few years back Shimano changed the Sedona to the Sedona FE. This is the newer version of the same reel. Tackle companies do this so we will "upgrade" our gear. I can only hope the new FE has the same quality as the plain old Sedona.
I own 3 of the old style Shimano Sedonas. I have two of the 1500 model (which I think is now the size of the 2000). I also own a 2500 model. I actually found this reel while fishing one day. It was attached to a discarded broken fishing rod. I brought it home and cleaned it up. It has been my most used reel for trout fishing over the past two years.
Besides the one that I found, I can honestly say that my other two (the 1500's) are almost fifteen years old. I have had them since my 21 year old son was a little kid. They are absolute workhorse reels. They can take a beating. They have been dropped in the canoe and the ground hundreds of times. There is barely any paint left on the sides from the abuse they have taken. But you know what? They worked like brand new for over a decade.
Just recently, one of them has started to give me trouble. The bail does not go down completely after the cast. Unless I consciously remember to push it all the way down, it stays up about 1/8 inch. This is causing line twist and tangles. Remember, this just started happening, so for 13 years this was not a problem.
Although I call my Shimano Sedona 1500 my trout reel, I have used it for many types of fishing. I match it with a six foot medium light rod (Shimano Clarus) with six pound line. Besides my surf rod, it is the combo I use the most. I bring it to the ocean when hickory shad and white perch are around. I use it a lot for panfish in ponds. This is the set up I use when I fish for American Shad in the Merrimack River. Most surprisingly, I was using this reel in Providence one winter and landed a 31 inch striper on it. So if you are wondering how a little reel will hold up to a big fish, that is the answer. The fish was peeling off drag back and forth for fifteen minutes. That was about six years ago!
Because of the weakened bail spring and the unbelievable price, I decided to buy a new reel for my trout rod. Obviously, I can not say how well the new reel performs. However, if it only last half as long as its predecessor I will get 7-8 years out a forty dollar reel, that to me my friends, is a deal!
I thought since I have little to report, I'd review a few products that I have used this spring. Disclaimer- I do not get any endorsment money from any of these companies. I am not on anyone's "Pro Staff". These are my opinions, and mine alone.
Colombia Rainpants
I spent a lot of money at REI last year on Christmas presents for my hiking son. If you are a member (one time sign up fee of $20) you get a dividend each year based on how much you spent the year before. Along with the free money came along a coupon for one item 20% off. I didn't know what to buy since I really didn't need anything. I decided on a good pair of rain pants. Since I had over $30 in my account and I used the coupon, I got them for a song.
The Columbia Rain Pants I bought are $50 at retail price. They do not have any pockets. Columbia does make a pair with pockets at the next price level. I specifically bought the pair without pockets, not because they were cheaper, but so I wouldn't have to worry about the pocket zipper leaking. I would never put my phone or small camera in my rain pants pockets anyway. I would prefer to put them in the next layer down in my shorts or sweatpants.
Last week I fished for two days in the rain. The rainpants performed flawlessly. I never felt wet at all. I sat on a wet chair with rain running down my raincoat onto it and the pants. I never had a drop seep through. I wore muck boots and pulled my rainpants over the top of my boots. There was plenty of room for them. If anything, there is too much. On the bottom of the pant leg there is velcro to tighten the pants. The velcro fit a little loose and my pants dragged against the ground. I have since added another sticky piece of velcro a few inches further. Problem Solved.
Just a word of caution- If you wear sneakers with these rainpants or any other pair your feet will get soaked. All that rain running down your pants leg has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is in your shoes.
So after a few soakings, I'd give the pants five stars. They did not feel sticky at all and they kept the moisture out. If I would have paid the fifty dollars, I would not have been disappointed at all. I can't say how durable they are yet, but they seem tough, so I think they will be around for a few years.
Waterproof Boots
As I said above, if I wear rainpants, then I can't wear sneakers. So I have been wearing my Bone Dry waterproof boots made by Bass Pro. There are many brands of high waterproof boots. The most famous with the best reputation is Muck Boots. I own these Bone Dry boots. I paid about $60. They are comfortable and as of yet, not let me down. However, I have a friend that bought two pair that leaked right away.
I have owned these boots for a couple of years now without a problem. That said, this is the first year I have worn them a lot. My suggestion isn't necessarily to buy the Bass Pro Shops brand boot, it is to buy some waterproof boots if you are an outdoors person. They come in extremely handy fishing in the rain with my rain pants over them. However, they also make walking through the mud a breeze and puddles no longer block the way to back woods ponds.
I am glad I found my pair in the shed since I sort of forgot about them. With all the rain we are having, they won't be going back in my shed any time soon.
Best Deal I've seen on a Reel
Right now Bass Pro Shops has the Shimano Sedona reel on sale for $39.97. This reel usually lists for seventy dollars! Needless to say, I am floored by the price. I bought the Sedona 4000 for one of my seven foot rods. I also plan on buying the 2500 for my six foot trout rod.
A few years back Shimano changed the Sedona to the Sedona FE. This is the newer version of the same reel. Tackle companies do this so we will "upgrade" our gear. I can only hope the new FE has the same quality as the plain old Sedona.
I own 3 of the old style Shimano Sedonas. I have two of the 1500 model (which I think is now the size of the 2000). I also own a 2500 model. I actually found this reel while fishing one day. It was attached to a discarded broken fishing rod. I brought it home and cleaned it up. It has been my most used reel for trout fishing over the past two years.
Besides the one that I found, I can honestly say that my other two (the 1500's) are almost fifteen years old. I have had them since my 21 year old son was a little kid. They are absolute workhorse reels. They can take a beating. They have been dropped in the canoe and the ground hundreds of times. There is barely any paint left on the sides from the abuse they have taken. But you know what? They worked like brand new for over a decade.
Just recently, one of them has started to give me trouble. The bail does not go down completely after the cast. Unless I consciously remember to push it all the way down, it stays up about 1/8 inch. This is causing line twist and tangles. Remember, this just started happening, so for 13 years this was not a problem.
Although I call my Shimano Sedona 1500 my trout reel, I have used it for many types of fishing. I match it with a six foot medium light rod (Shimano Clarus) with six pound line. Besides my surf rod, it is the combo I use the most. I bring it to the ocean when hickory shad and white perch are around. I use it a lot for panfish in ponds. This is the set up I use when I fish for American Shad in the Merrimack River. Most surprisingly, I was using this reel in Providence one winter and landed a 31 inch striper on it. So if you are wondering how a little reel will hold up to a big fish, that is the answer. The fish was peeling off drag back and forth for fifteen minutes. That was about six years ago!
This picture is on the upper right hand corner of the blog. My fish was caught on a Shimano Sedona 1500 with six pound line. Will the newer model perform as will? For $39 it is worth finding out!!! |
Because of the weakened bail spring and the unbelievable price, I decided to buy a new reel for my trout rod. Obviously, I can not say how well the new reel performs. However, if it only last half as long as its predecessor I will get 7-8 years out a forty dollar reel, that to me my friends, is a deal!
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