If you ever have a conversation with me and ask me what my favorite types of fish are, near the top of the list is smallmouth bass. Of course I fish for carp and trout when I am fishing in freshwater. I never really fish for smallmouth. The closest consistent smallmouth fishing from my house is about an hour away, or so I thought. Heading east Plymouth or the Cape both have good smallmouth lakes.. In the other direction, Wachusetts Reservoir is about the same distance. I used to fish the Lakes Region of New Hampshire about five times a year for smallies.
A couple days ago, my friend Jeff convinced me to try a lake he used to fish often. He told me there used to be some smallmouth in the lake. I figured if I caught one, at least I'd catch another species for the year. Basically, I figured we'd catch some panfish and a largemouth or two. Any actual smallmouth would be freaking awesome.The lake is only about five minutes from house so I had nothing to loose.
So we went that night. I ended up catching nine smallmouth. The biggest was 13 1/2 inches. I couldn't believe it. Needless to say, I have been back every moment I haven't been sleeping or at work ( and the Kenny Chesney concert yesterday).

Yesterday before the concert, I went for 2 1/2 hours during the sunniest part of the day. I caught four smallies and a Larry. The largemouth was 16 inches. The two biggest smallies were 13 and 14 inches. These may not be giants but, any legal size smallie is a good fish and they FIGHT SO HARD.
Today I only got two before dark, but one was 15 inches. So I'm not complaining. I'm just looking for that four pounder now, but if it never comes and I keep catching some typical size smallmouth I'm okay with that. They are such a great fish. I can't believe I had this great smallmouth fishery five minutes from my house and I never knew about it. I WILL make up for lost time!!!