At the risk of offending readers, I am going to give you my opinion of something that bothered me a little today. For the last few days the beaches in Southern Rhode Island have been red hot for fishing. Stripers of all sizes from a foot to keeper size have been caught by the hundreds the last few days. There have also been schools of bluefish also.
I could not enjoy this fantastic fishing. I worked Sat, Sun,and Monday. I was also on call this weekend so I couldn't go very far when I got out of work.
Today while I was at work, I was talking to a few regular customers. They are retired guys in their mid 60's. There is a young 60 and an old 60. We probably all know people at that age that are sickly and we know people that you could swear are forty. The guys in the donut shop are healthy strong and most importantly like to fish.
These guys talk about fishing almost as much as I do. They look forward to opening day and talk about stripers as much as sports. One of the guys asked me if I got down to the beach for the great bluefish action. He had gotten a call from a friend in Charlestown about the action. The friend told him how great the fishing was.
I would also like to point out that even though it is mid November the weather has been amazing. Sunday it was sixty degrees. At the beach it was barely windy at all. The water was glass calm ( last time I was there 10 foot rollers were crashing on the shore). Sometimes mid November fishing can be downright painful. I have fished in thirty five degree temps with biting winds standing in water cold enough that with waders on I was chilled through. Right now the weather has been perfect. Anyone that can should take advantage of it.
The point of all this disjointed thought is this. These guys knew that fish were blitzing all over southern Rhode Island yet they were in a donut shop! They knew fish were biting, they talk about fishing all the time, the weather was awesome and they were sitting inside drinking a medium regular. My mind can not comprehend this.
I could understand if they had family commitments and couldn't fish, but they were in a donut shop all afternoon. I obviously understand having to work, but they were retired. I could understand if they didn't have the money for gas, but all these guys drive nice cars and trucks and I know that is not an issue. Lastly I could understand if they didn't want to fish in a dangerous situation. No matter how healthy you are I understand that at an advanced age falling on rocks into a heavy surf could be life threatening. Like I said earlier, the fish were blitzing a beach, the water was calm and and the walk from the parking lot was only about 2 minutes.
I don't want to grow older like that. I want to fish instead of talk about fishing. I hope I continue to fish and hike all the time. I do not consider 60 old. One of my best friends is that age. I plan on following his example and fishing, hiking and kayaking. I don't want to talk about doing things when I could be doing them.
-Life is not a spectator sport, if watching is all your gonna do then your gonna watch your life go by without ya
- Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame ( that's right)
-There's just so many summers and just so many springs
-Don Henley